Over the years, the series has seen numerous sequels and spin-offs, as well as adaptations into other forms of media, including comic books, novels, and an animated TV series. The games are known for their exploration and puzzle-solving gameplay, as well as their iconic music and memorable characters. Along the way, Link must explore dungeons, solve puzzles, and battle a variety of enemies, including the series’ main antagonist, Ganon. The games typically follow a young hero named Link, who is on a quest to save the land of Hyrule from the evil forces that threaten it. The series started in 1986 with the release of the first game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and has since become one of Nintendo’s most successful and recognizable franchises.

The Legend of Zelda is a popular action-adventure video game series developed and published by Nintendo. This is the author’s first submission, so please feel free to leave feedback or critiques in the review section.Triforce by an unknown designer is a font based on the Legend Of Zelda title logo. Anyone is free to use these patches as long as the original author is credited (alongside snarfblam if the FontModStandalone patch is used as a base). Special thanks to Snarfblam, not only his Automap Plus patch, but also for ZeldaTech which was used for most of the text editing and a slight change to one of the shops. FontModTranslationOnly, which is just the Translation (in case the font is seen as unappealing to some).FontModUntranslated, which is just the Font (for usage on text-edited ROM hacks).FontModAddendum, which is the Font and Translation, nothing else (for usage on other ROM hacks).FontModStandalone, which is the Font and Translation, alongside a few other additions, like Snarfblam’s Automap Plus, an edit to one of the shops, and a few aesthetic changes, to enhance the experience a bit (more details in the Readme).The folder includes a Readme and 4 patches: Not only are most lines based on the original Japanese version (thanks to Legends Of Localization for their documentation), but also has a few additions from the English version and even a few made by the author of the hack, SimplyDanny, in order to make a perfectly fine Zelda 1 experience, without grammatical errors, or cryptic/useless hints. The Legend of Zelda - Font Mod is a ROM hack of the PRG0 version of Zelda 1 that not only redraws the entire font to a more archaic style, but also re-translates and rewrites most of the script. Updated to v1.1 - Font has now been made more legible.